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3 entries.
Stefano Leoni Stefano Leoni from Stella (savon a), Italy wrote on 5 December 2022 at 10:00
Just retired from Conservatory of Turin where I was full professor in Systematic Musicology.
Curtlyn Anthony Curtlyn Anthony from Ada, Ohio wrote on 10 November 2022 at 17:15
Hello! I used this site as a source and a guide in writing a research paper for one of my classes on the Viol de Gamba! I am a violinist who is majoring in Music Education and found this sight very in depth and helpful. Thank you to the Orpheon Foundation!
Luca Piccini Luca Piccini from NowhereLand wrote on 5 April 2020 at 13:53
Hello All! This is the guestbook for the new site. Old guestbook can be seen here.



Very old Guestbooks can be seen here