Castello di Duino, Trieste, Italy
15 – 24 October, 2010

Music Course of the Orpheon Foundation

The Vazquez Collection of Historical String Instruments

Violins, Violas da gamba, Viola d’amore, Violoncellos, Double Basses from 1500 to 1789

Download the guide of the exhibition

See also the photos of the exhibition

and the photos of the concerts

Donát Deáky
harpsichord, organ

Donát Deaky, born in Pecs, Hungary in 1979, began his piano studies with 6 years of age. He obtained his diplomas in musical pedagogy and chamber music at the University of Györ, Hungary. Studies of harpsichord and early music performance at the Conservatory of Vienna, Austria with Norbert Zeilberger. As pianist and harpsichordist he performs regularly in Austria and the whole of Europe and has recorded with the Orpheon Consort.

Ewald Donhoffer
harpsichord, ensembles

The reputation of the young Austrian conductor and harpsichordist, Ewald Donhoffer, was established almost overnight upon finishing his studies in 2007 when he was summoned to substitute for Fabio Luisi, chief conductor of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and music director of the Staatskapelle Dresden. He subsequently was engaged as assistant and harpsichordist for Luisi’s production of Mozart’s “La Finta Semplice” at the renowned Theater an der Wien. The debut of this opera, with the Vienna Symphony, was highly acclaimed. Subsequent invitations included the Mozarteum Orchestra in Salzburg, Mozart’s “Magic Flute” with the Dresden Staatskapelle at the Semper Opera (2008), and in 2009, a new production of Weill’s “Mahagonny” at the Theater in Erfurt, Germany, and the Volksoper Vienna . Also in 2009 he was appointed principal guest conductor of the West-Saxon Symphony Orchestra. He also directs and performs in chamber music ensembles like the “Händel Consort Vienna”, “Ensemble Continuum”, “Desiderius” and “Vienna Vocal Consort”. “Zu Zweyn” is the name of a harpsichord-duo,  with his Austrian colleague, Christoph Radinger. During the last few years he has produced operas in Vienna, such as “Giulio Cesare” and “Ariodante” by Händel. He has also collaborated with Bertrand de Billy, William Christie and Sean Edwards. (photo: ©Annette Friedel)

Thomas Fritzsch
viola da gamba, Baroque violoncello, viol consort

Thomas Fritzsch, from Zwickau, Germany, studied viola da gamba and violoncello at the Leipzig Conservatory. He performs regularly with the Gewandhaus Orchestra Leipzig, the MDR.Symphony Orchestra, Dresdner Kreuzchor, Kleines onzert, Collegium Musicum 90 and has performed for  conductors such as Riccardo Chailly, Georg Christoph Biller, Howard Arman, Hermann Max, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Michael Schönheit, Peter Schreier and Helmuth Rilling. Concerts all over Europe, as well as overseas. He has performed with such artists as Shalev Ad-El, Rolf-Dieter Arens, Nancy Argenta, Michael Chance, Wilbert Hazelzet, Harry van der Kamp, Mark Kroll, Barthold Kuijken, Zvi Menicker, Klaus Mertens, Guy de Mey, Nicholas Parle, Marcel Ponseele, Thomas Quasthoff, Ludger Rémy, Susanne Rydén, Barbara Schlick, Michael Schneider, Norman Shetler, Simon Standage, Anton Steck, John Toll, Jan De Winne und Carolyn Watkinson and the Accademia Daniel.

Author of many recordings (Awards: Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik 3/2003, Supersonic Award 4/2009 [Pizzicato, LU]) and musicological publications, among others,  Johann Gottlieb Janitsch – Biography and Index of Works.

Mr. Fritzsch has taugh widely: guest lecturer 1992-94 in Brno, 1993-94 in Dresden, 2001-02 Academy of Early Music Oberlausitz, 1994 Worcester/MA.

Thomas Fritzsch plays a seven-string Viola da gamba made by Johann Casper Göbler, Breslau, 1784, and Violoncelli  by Köllmer, Crawinkel, before 1700, and by Ignaz Andreas Wild, Brünn, 1809.

Miguel Angel Garcia Cañamero
harpsichord, ensembles

Miguel Angel G. Cañamero, from Valencia, obtained his diploma with five distinctions at the Conservatorio Superior “Joaquín Rodrigo” and the José Iturbi Prize for the best academic degree. After completing his master’s degree in piano, choir directing and musical theory, he pursued post-graduate studies at the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest in choir directing and piano with. István Gulyás, Éva  Kollár and Peter Erdei. Further studies in 2002 in orchestral conducting with Uros Lajovic and Simeon Pironkoff at the University for Music Vienna. He participated in masterclasses with the pianists Mario Monreal, Boris Berman, Piero Ratalino, Wolfram Rieger, and the conductors Czifra János, Simon Carrington, Roy Wales and Frieder Bernius.

Miguel Angel Garcia Cañamero has participated as soloist and conductor in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Austria. He was the founder and musical director of the First Festival for Old Music “Santa Maria del Mar” in Valencia, for which he created the Renaissance choir, “Contrafacta Chorus”. He was appointed artistic director of the “Millenium Musicae” Choirs of Valencia.

 From 2002 to 2006 he was appointed assistant director of Maestro Manuel Galduf for the “Jove Orquestra de la Generalitat Valenciana (JOGC), with which he undertook several tours and directed the complete symphonic repertoire. In this capacity he worked with the soloists Felix Ayo, Mstislav Rostropovic (his last tour in Spain).

 In 2001 he received the special price as finalist of the conducting competition, “I. International Competition for Young Choral Conductors” in Budapest. In 2008 he directed the Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna in the Golden Hall of the Musikverein.

 At present he is guest conductor of the “Orquesta Sinfónica del Conservatorio José Iturbi” in Valencia, but continues to perform regularly on the piano and the organ, both as soloist as well as in chamber music.

Vanessa García Fernández

Vanessa García Fernández (Valencia) graduated from the Conservatorio Profesional “Joaquín Rodrigo” in Valencia, subsequently pursuing studies with Ramón de Andrés and in courses and master-classes (Wolfram Rieger, Miguel Zanetti, C. Chausson, Ana Luisa Chova and R. Kabaivanska). She is doing her graduate studies with the Németh Judit and Fajger Orsolya, as well as with Klaus Sallmann and Konrad Leitner.

Her repertoire ranges from the Baroque and Classic to contemporary music. She has performed extensively in Spain, principally in opera and oratorio. She works regularly with the contemporary music Ensemble Espai Sonor. She is also a member of the Coro de la Generalitat Valenciana, working at the valencian Opera House “Palau de les Arts”. She teaches singingat the  “Maestro Valdovín” Music School in Gandía (Valencia).

Christian Kausel, Baroque violin & viola

The young violinist from Chile will commence his studies at the Vienna Univeristy for Music in October, 2010. This is his first set of concerts with the Orpheon Consort.

Lúcia Krommer
viola da gamba, Baroque violoncello, viol consort

Born in Hungary, Lúcia Krommer received in Budapest her diploma with distinction for the violoncello, the viola da gamba and chamber music in 1996. She subsequently studied the viola da gamba with José Vázquez at the University for Music in Vienna, with whom she appears frequently in concert. She taught viola da gamba, Baroque violoncello and chamber music at the Department for Early Music at the University of Brno from 2002 to 2006, as well as in numerous academies in France, Spain, Great Britain, the Czech Republic and Hungary. She travels all over Europe with the viola da gamba and baroque violoncello as a soloist and as a member of numerous Baroque ensembles. She concertizes and records regularly with Orpheon Consort.

Margit Meckel
viola da gamba, Baroque violoncello, viol consort

Studied cello and Baroque cello at the Conservatory of Vienna and viola da gamba at the University for Music Vienna under José Vázquez. She pursued studies of musical pedagogy and music therapy in Great Britain. Margit Mecke is a regular member of Orpheon Consort and also performs as a soloist and as a member of chamber music ensembles (Helios 18,  Il Diletto Moderno, Capella Incognita, Concilium Musicum Wien) in international festivals like the Innsbrucker Festwochen, Thüringer Bach Week, Oude Musiek Utrecht, Al Bustan Festival (Beirut). Recordings for radio and CD. Meckel also teaches cello and viola da gamba in the conservatories of the City of Vienna and in courses all over Europe.

Kunihiro Mimura
viola da gamba

Born in Japan in 1977, he began piano at the age of 4, obtaining his dipoloma in 1999 at the University of Kanagawa in Toukai. He pursued his piano studies with Paul Gulda, Joo-An Koh and Viktor Teufelmeier at the University for Music in Vienna and the viola da gamba with José Vázquez. He performs in Japan and in all of Europe. He is a member of the Orpheon Consort, with which he has recorded and performed.

Ludovica Mosca (Italy)
harpsichord, ensembles, Baroque dance

The artist Ludovica Mosca has studied music, dance and fine arts. Acclaimed by critic and public she performs and teaches regularly in Spain, Europe, United States, Latin-America and Asia.

Born in Paris from Italian parents she studied piano at the Conservatorio Superior del Liceo of Barcelona with G.Garganta and lately with P.Vallribera and E.Casals. She moved to Antwerpen (Belgium) to study with F.Gevers at the Royal Music Conservatory winning a First Prize. She pursued her studies in Paris with A.Motard and several courses with J.Demus, J.van Immerseel, R.Tureck, J.Savall, G.Hadjinikos, S.Chelibidache and H.Zender. She also studied guitar with G.Tarragó and conducting with A.Ros-Marbá.
Her repertoire goes from the old masters of the XVII Century to the contemporary composers. She performed the premiere in Spain of the Sonata by Elliot Carter and “For Christian Wolf” by Morton Feldman as well as many works by spanish composers. She gives courses about Bach, Haydn, Contemporary music, Improvisation, Piano pedagogy, Musical memory, Relaxation, Baroque dance for musicians and Castanets. She has broadcast for Radio Nacional de España, Belgium Television, TV3 de Catalunya and has recorded many CD with piano as well as castanets.

Among her Prizes we mention the International Prize Alex de Vries (Belgium) for her performance of the Rhapsody in Blue by G.Gershwin with The Filharmonic Orchestra of Antwerp.The International 3th Prize Maria Canals (Duo LLinares-Mosca), the First Prize at the International Yamaha Competition (Klavier Quartett de Barcelona). From 1991 together with the jazz pianist Manel Camp she made  the Contrast-Duo with whom has recorded four CD and from 2003 she follows it with the jazz pianist Francesc Capella. She also works regularly with the cellist Iñaki Etxepare, with whom has recorded the “Violoncello Castañolero” (Cello & Castanets) CD.

Ludovica Mosca is member of the Faculty from the Luthier School, Juan Pedro Carrero School and the Piano teachers Seminary of the Artmusic school in Barcelona as well of the Sitges Contemporary Music Course, from 2007 in Terrassa. From 2003 she is also musical instrument coordinator of the Institut Llongueres de Barcelona. She is member of the jury in several competitions in Spain, France and the United States.

Author of the New Boileau-Urtext edition of the klavier works by J.S.Bach and the “25 Pieces by W.A.Mozart ” as well as the “Six Sonates” by N.Casanoves for the Montserrat Abbey Publications. Ludovica Mosca has work periodically with the renowed musicologist H.C. Robbins-Landon about the works of F.J.Haydn and the classical period and had the opportunity to play on a pianoforte that was from Haydn himself.

Loni Patt Engel
viola da gamba, viol consort

Grown up in an Early Music surrounding (my father, Christian Patt was a historical musical instrument maker, who, together with my mother and friends made a notable contribution to Early Music in Switzerland ), I not only learned to play, but also to build the viol, at the Violin-making School in Mittenwald.Then followed a wonderful time in London, playing consort music every night of the week, while working for the renowned viol-maker, Dietrich Kessler. Back in Switzerland I got to know José Vázquez who invited me to join in on many interesting projects which very much helped to improve my skills. Besides I discovered my love for singing and playing in mixed consorts like „Gelato Misto Musicale“. Time goes on – I married an „Engel“ and priorities changed. What a wonderfull chance to be part now of this course in Duino!

José Vázquez (Cuba)
artistic director
viola da gamba, Baroque violin, ensembles

was born in La Habana, Cuba, a city founded around 1500 by Spanish colonists during the reign of Charles V, which soon became the gateway to the New World. He lived next to the then rabble-rouser student, Fidel Castro, with whose son he often visited the zoo, therefore his family knew what to expect: so after the delusion of the Revolution, José left his native land with his family for North America in 1961, where he spent the ensuing 13 years of his life. He studied at Northwestern University (Chicago) and performed in the Collegium Musicum of the University of Chicago under the direction of Howard Meyer Brown for four years before undertaking professional studies of the viola da gamba with Hannelore Müller and baroque violin with Jaap Schroeder at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Switzerland. In 1980 he was appointed to the Conservatory of Music in Winterthur, Switzerland, where he teaches performance practice, viola da gamba and baroque violin. In 1982 he was appointed professor for viola da gamba at the University of Music in Vienna, Austria. Concerts as soloist (viola da gamba concerti, passions) with various European orchestras, including the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Zürich Opera Orchestra, Salzburg Chamber Orchestra, The Smithsonian Chamber Players under directors like, Riccardo Chailly, Florian Heyerick, Günter Jena, Helmut Rilling, Franz Welser-Möst. Recordings with diverse ensembles (Ex Tempore, Belgium; Hans-Martin Linde, Switzerland; Musica Antiqua Köln, Germany…). Founder and director of the Orpheon Baroque Orchestra and Orpheon Consort, with which numerous recordings have been made.
In recognition of his artistic achievements the Austrian Government awarded José Vázquez the Silver Cross-of-Honour for Merit of the Republic of Austria. (Silbernes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich).