Château de Thoiry, France, April – May, 2005
Exhibitions of the Orpheon Foundation
The Vazquez Collection of Historical String Instruments
Violins, Violas da gamba, Viola d’amore, Violoncellos, Double Basses from 1500 to 1789
Provisional photos! For the final version, please go to Festes de Thalie

Bass Viola da gamba
Bass Viola da gamba by Nikolas Leidolff, Vienna, 1695
Treble Viola da gamba by anonymous, ca. 1730

Violoncello by Simone Cimapane
Violoncello by Simone Cimapane, Rome, 1692
This instrument was played in the orchestra of Arcangelo Corelli!

Viola da gamba
Bass Viola da gamba by Nikolas Leidolff, Vienna, 1695
Treble Viola da gamba by anonymous, ca. 1730
Bass Viola da gamba by Michael Albanus, Graz, 1706

Violoncello of the Montagnana School, Venice, ca. 1700
Violin of the Goffriller School, Venice, ca. 1700

Violin by Nicolò Amati, Cremona, 1669
Violin by Carlo Testore, Milano, ca. 1700
Five-string violin by Joachim Tielke, Hamburg, ca. 1700

Viola & Violoncello
Viola by Johann Christoph Leidolff, Vienna, 1719
Violoncello by Anton Posch, Vienna, ca. 1700

Violin & Viola
Violin by Matthias Albanus, Bozen, ca. 1680
Violin by Johann Schorn, Salzburg, 1707
Viola by Matthias Thir, Vienna, ca. 1786