Exhibitions of the Orpheon Foundation
The Vazquez Collection of Historical String Instruments
Violins, Violas da gamba, Viola d'amore, Violoncellos, Double Basses
from 1500 to 1789

Froville, France, April - May, 2005

Exhibition historical musical instruments Orpheon Foundation

1. The Exhibition

Exhibition historical musical instruments Orpheon Foundation

Exhibition historical musical instruments Orpheon Foundation

Exhibition historical musical instruments Orpheon Foundation viola d'amore
French viols: Pardessus by Louis Guersan and Anon. Flemish
Bass viola da gamba by Claude Boivin, Paris, ca. 1740
Violas d'amore by Salomon, J. Ch. Leidolff,
Hulinsky and Hentschl

Exhibition historical musical instruments Orpheon Foundation

violin Amati Testore violin viola Leidolff
Violins by Nicolo Amati, Carlo Testore
and School of Goffriller
Two violins and one viola by Johann Christoph Leidolff
Vienna, 18th C.

Exhibition historical musical instruments Orpheon Foundation

Three violoncelli: Michael Ignaz Stadlmann (ca. 1780), Nikolas Leidolff (1690), Anon. French ca. 1800

Viola da gamba Leidolff Stainer

Viola da gamba by Nikolas Leidolff, Vienna, 1695
Michael Albanus, Bolzano, 1706

viola da gamba Germany

The viola da gamba in Germany
Maussiell (left) and 17th Century Munich (right)
Painting by Caspar Netscher

viola da gamba consort: 5 english instruments of the 17th C.

A viola da gamba consort of English instruments of the 17th Century
Two treble violas da gamba by William Turner, London, 1647 & 1656
Bass viola da gamba by Edward Lewis, London, 1687

viola da gamba consort Italy

Renaissance violas da gamba, painting School of Bonifacio Veronese

viola da gamba Italy Brescia, ca. 1600

Treble viola da gamba, Veneto, 16th C.

Baryton viola da gamba Leidolff
Baryton after Simon Schodler Schodler
Violone in D, Veneto, 17thC
Viola da gamba by Nikolas Leidolff
Vienna, 1695

violone violin viola Johann Georg Thir

Baryton violoncello viola

Large violoncello by Anton Posch, Vienna, ca. 1700
Viola by Joseph Antonius Laske, Prague, 1787
Baryton after Simon Schodler (1782) built by
Ferdinand Wilhelm Jaura, Munich, 1934

Exhibition historical musical instruments Orpheon Foundation

Exhibition historical musical instruments Orpheon Foundation

2. The Inaugural Concert

Orpheon Consort

Orpheon Consort: inaugural concert
Annie Laflamme - Traverso, Florian Heyerick - harpsichord, Irena Troupova - soprano
Lucia Krommer and Jose Vazquez - viola da gamba

Orpheon Consort Irena Troupova

Inaugural concert: Irena Troupova, Florian Heyerick

Neck of a viola da gamba by Nikolas Leidolff, Vienna, 1695 Orpheon Consort Annie Laflamme Florian Heyerick

Orpheon Consort Annie Laflamme Florian Heyerick Irena Troupova

Orpheon Consort Jose Vazquez Lucia Krommer Florian Heyerick

Viola da gamba by Guersan

3. The Visit by the Violin-making School of Mirecourt

Exhibition historical musical instruments Orpheon Foundation

Testing the violin by Carlo Testore, Milano, ca. 1700

Exhibition historical musical instruments Orpheon Foundation

Viola da gamba Linarolo with Roland Houël

Luthier Roland Houël with the bass viola da gamba
by Ventura Linarolo, Venice, 1585

Rambouillet: violoncello, Milano, 1780

Critic from May 17, 2005


updated 20.11.2007