My first three hundred years

Memoires of a travelling Viola da Gamba


Ferrara, Anno 1500
Josquin Des Prez – In te, domine speravi
Heinrich Isaak – Der Hund
Mantua, Anno 1540
Diego Ortiz – Recercada Quinta pars
Cristóbal de Morales – Beati sunt omnes qui timent Dominum
Diego Ortiz – Recercada sobre “Doulce memoire” de Pierre Sandrin
Diego Ortiz – Recercada segunda
My longest Trip: Rome – Madrid – London, Anno 1554
Juan Vásquez – Hermosissima Maria
Anthony Holborne – Pavan / Galiard
London, 1596
Alfonso Ferrabosco – Pavan / Alman
London, Anno 1645
William Lawes – Pavan / Aire
Innsbruck – Salzburg: 1646-1681
Heinrich Biber – Sonata a cinque
Atilio Ariosti – Prole tenere, cessa di piangere
Paris, 1690-1717
Nicolas de Clerambault – Héros de siècles passés
Marin Marais – Caprice a trois violes
Berlin – Potsdam, 1748
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach – Arioso
London, Anno 1787
Carl Friedrich Abel – Adagio



Cast of characters:

The voice of the viola da gamba: Irene Schulmeister
The Viola da gamba by Kerrlino, Brescia, 1500 was played by
the Viola da gamba by Ventura di Francesco Linarolo, Venice, 1585
All other instruments played themselves!



Orpheon Consort
José Vázquez – violin, viola da gamba, direction
Lúcia Krommer – viola da gamba Christine Esser (Zürich) – soprano
Christa Opriessnig – violin, viola da gamba
Margit Meckel – viola da gamba
Peter Benovic – viola da gamba Vít Bébar – harpsichord, organ
Eva Fürtinger – viola da gamba



Treble viol by Henry Jaye (London, ca. 1620)
Treble viol by William Turner (London, 1647) Violin by Nicolò Amati, Cremona, 1669
Treble viol by William Turner (London, 1656) Violin by Matthias Albanus, Bolzano, ca. 1680
Bass viol by William Turner (London, ca. 1650)
Bass viol by Edward Lewis (London, 1687)
Bass viol by John Collingwood (London, 1680) Harpsichord after Gio. Battista Giusti (1682)
Bass viol by Ventura Linarolo (Venice 1585) Orgel positiv by Chinaglia, Milano