Old Guestbook

These are the entries of the  guestbook of the old site.


Just to remember.


Date: Author: …….YOU! Yours is next !

Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 16:53:29 +0200
Dear Mr Vazquez,

Your homepage is getting nicer and more
interesting each time, congratulations!

With best wishes and good luck,
Mail Sildos
baroque violin
Corelli Consort
Tallinn, Estonia

Date:Tue, 20 Jan 2004 10:12:21 +0100
From: Marie-Catherine Mouchot, France

Merci BEAUCOUP. Votre site est splendide. Quel plaisir de naviguer au
milieu de temps de violes.


Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 09:35:14 -0700
From: Steve Langford

Thank you for sharing your new Web site with me. It is truly
beautiful. I have not had (nor shall I have) the time to explore the
entire site in great detail, but I am greatly enjoying seeing the
presentation of all the bass viola da gamba. Your pictures of them are
exquisite, and being able to hear them being played is a real bonus. I can
not tell you elaborately enough how much I appreciate all your hard work.

I have some Web sites of my own and understand how very much work
is involved in creating and maintaining one. Yours is truly
beautiful. That is a statement that bears repeating.

Steve Langford, Arizona, USA

Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 19:05:39 +0100
From: Robin Krishnan

Dear Orpheon foundation,

the Indian musician on
www.mdw.ac.at/I105/orpheon/Seiten/education/wisdom.htm is not playing a sarangi but a dilruba – the sarangi is fretless.

Best regards,

Robin Krishnan

Date: 7 Dec 2003 03:54:48 -0600
From: John Thornton

Divine Inspiration must course through your veins, sir!!! Only God in heaven could have given you such passion and desire to create such a beautiful museum!!!

Warmest regards,
John A. Thornton
Alabama, USA

Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 23:31
From: Romain.Ferrari, France
Cher monsieur Vazquez,

Votre site est très intéressant et très complet.
Merci et à bientôt.
Romain Ferrari

Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 00:28:08 +0200
From: Ulrike Melliger

Ich bin sehr beeindruckt von der Vielzahl an Informationen, die ich heute hier bekommen habe.
Ulrike Melliger (Winterberg, Switzerland)

Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 02:39:49 -0400
From: Eric FonsThanks for displaying such a wonderful collection of instruments. I have visited your website many times, and I always finds interesting things to look at. I play a variety of stringed instruments myself, so it is fascinating for me to see the many historical variations.

Take care!
Eric Fons, Annapolis, Maryland, USA

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 07:48:28 -0500
From: Mark Knechtle

What a gorgeous collection! Clearly these beautifully crafted pieces
are from a time predating our mass-producion era.
I’m currently working on a solo recording of the 6 Brandenburgs
(digital-sampled keyboard parts for each instrument — sorry, it’s the only
instrument I can play). I’ve always felt the best performances of Bach are
made with the original instruments, because these are the resonances and
sonorities that Bach heard, and wrote to accomodate.
So, my walk through your virtual museum has been both intimidating and
inspirational. I come away with a better “notion” of the tonal differences
between the instruments of J.S.’s time, and our modern orchestral
Thank you so much for this insight! I will be back from time to time,
as you add more to the collection.
Thanks to foundations such as yours, these important artifacts of our
musical heritage will survive for ages to come.

Mark Knechtle

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 12:02:27 +1100
From: Parle, JonathanI just wanted to say how beautiful the violins are in your collection! I
especially love the look of the anonymous 18th Tyrolean violin:

https://web.archive.org/web/20050909045003/http://www.mdw.ac.at:80/I105/orpheon/Seiten/Instruments/violine/vl-tirol.htm. I hope to see more photos soon! The Jais violin should be very interesting, as this is one of my favourite makers.


Jonathan Parle, Australia

Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 21:42:03 -0600
From: David Rundo

I am most impressed with your collection, too bad they are not in 3-D!
wish I could be there to view them!

David Rundo
Chicago, Illinois USA

Comment: Dear Mr. Rundo! If you know how to do it, why don’t you visit us and put all these instruments in 3-D. I’d love to learn how it’s done! JV

Date:Tue, 21 Jan 2003 05:33:09 EST
From: Oihana(a)aol.com
Merveilleux, pour un passionné comme je le suis votre collection et votre sites sont une providence. Merci encore

Jean-Luc Porracchia

Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 09:56:06 -0500
From: Wayne Arndt

Your collection of instruments is both remarkable and fascinating. Do you plan to publish photos of your Leidolff and Thir cellos soon? I would love to see them. I would love to come and see the instruments for myself.

Thank you for your excellent work preserving old music and

-Wayne Arndt

Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 09:42:55 +0200
From: Christa.Opriessnig(a)schulefriesgasse.ac.at>
What a pleasure to stroll through the museum (virtually). Feels like home…

Christa Opriessnig, Vienna

Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 19:01:59 +0200
From: Jürg Schelbli

ich werde noch oft auf deine eindrückliche Webseite zurückkehren – und ich hoffe, du nach Basel!
Jürg Schelbli

NB: Jürg Schelbli is the librarian of the Music Academy Basel

Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 10:49:42 +0200
From: Geesje Liedmeier” I really am very eager to come and but
unfortunately cannot this first weekend of november. I am impressed by
the broadness of your collection.
I have been involved in some viola da gamba research in museums and
try to make instruments as much as possible in the spirit of originals.
You understand I am very interested to come and visit your collection.
Also my partner, the bowmaker Gerhard Landwehr, would be most
honoured to visit the collection. Would it be possible to see some
instruments when we are in Vienna for the exhibition 18 und 19ter

Thank you very much

Gesina Liedmeier
The Netherlands

Comment: It is nearly always possible to visit the collection. A mail or telephone call will do! JV

Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 16:05:01 +0200
From: “Thomas Luethi”
Schoene Sache, Ihre Stiftung!
Besonders gefaellt mir, dass Sie die Instrumente nicht irgendwo
verstauben lassen, sondern sie Musikern zur Verfuegung stellen.

Was ich nicht herausgefunden habe: Gibt es fuer die Oeffentlichkeit
im Moment etwas zu sehen? Oder ist das Museum erst ein Projekt?

Thomas Lüthi
(Webmaster, Bern, Switzerland)

Comment: The collection can be seen – and heard – anytime. A mail or phone call to arrange your visit will suffice. We receive – and welcome – visitors from all over the world!

Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 09:43:31 +0000
From: “Cliodhna NiAodain”
I’ve just visited your web page and it’s really
cool. Congratulations! Cliodhna NiAodain, (Cellist, Dublin,Ireland)
Date:Thu, 12 Sep 2002 12:32:40 +0200
Bojan Cicic: tvrtko.cicic(a)zg.hinet.hrI must say that I have never been on a more thorough website!I have seen on the web site that you have a timetable of concerts as well as masterclasses. I am intrigued to hear your ensemble play and will try to come to Vienna as its not very far from here. If you’re ever short of a violinist, I would love to come and play in Vienna!Kindest Regards

Bojan Cicic
(Violinist, I Solisti di Zagreb)

Comment: We are always interested in fine musicians who could participate in our activities. Someday we will put together a Corelli-size orchestra – meaning, about 100 strings – to perform the concerti grossi of Corelli and Muffat…


Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 22:52:22 -0300
From: “Horacio Bollini”
Revisando con mayor detenimiento el sitio del Museo , reparé mejor en la riqueza impresionante de instrumentos
(y fundamentalmente de violas da gamba, que constituyen mis desvelo) , lo que de hecho ya había observado
antes al archivar las imágenes.
Yo desconocía que Ud. era violista, y leí en esta oportunidad sobre su magnífica trayectoria.
Espero que alguna vez podamos conocernos.Horacio Bollini (Argentina)
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 04:38:52 EDT
From: A. Barney52(a)aol.comThank you for your inspirational web-site.Alison F Barney

Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 10:53:45 -0400
From: Nicholas Walker”

Mr. Vazquez,

I have been to your web site. I love it! I like looking at all the Gamba viols especially! Thanks for putting all of that together. It’s a tremendous resource to those of us in the states, far from the source . . .

All the best, and many thanks.

Nicholas Walker (USA)

Comment: Come visit the source sometime: Seeing is believing, but hearing is pure bliss! JV


Date:Wed, 14 Aug 2002
From: “Javier Tarraga”
Organization: GIROVAGO
Magnífica exposición.

SALUDOS, Javier Tárraga

Date:Sun, 11 Aug 2002 22:39:50 +0200
From: Juergen Loy

I spent some time on your beautiful website. I have been
interested especially in the photos of the “historical” bridges…

Kind regards, Juergen Loy

Comment: Dear Mr. Loy! Those pages will be further expanded in the near future. I will let you know! JV


Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 13:28:54 -0700
From: Steve Langford


is fun! Nice instrument, cute gal having fun. Thanks! You put a smile on my face.


Comment: If you think this is fun, wait until you see “Playmate Nr. 2”! JV


Date: 9 August, 2002From: Robert Nevite, Dear Orpheon Foundation –

As an art and music student, I found your exquisite photographs of the classic instruments on your web site most inspiring, especially those of the Perugia classico. The artistic arrangement and subtle colors of the presentation caught my attention immediately.

With your consent, I would like to consider using them as the basis for a series of paintings. If you would find this acceptable, I will be sure to send you an image of any completed works.

If you are able, please reply to my request at the following address: rnevitte@aol.com.

Thank you very much. Long live the classics!

Robert Nevitte


Dear Mr. Nevitte!

What a wonderful compliment! It’s really appreciated. Please, feel free to paint these arrangements. There are many more, but not all of them on the web site. In these arrangements I try to immitate the still life genre found in many of the 17th C. paintings. Needless to say, next to music the fine arts are very close to my heart.
Why don’t you come over to Vienna and view the instruments in situ… we have great coffee and a good wine, too.

Looking forward to your paintings, which we would be glad to display on the web site, if you like!

Sincerely, José Vázquez

Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 22:16:36 +0200
From: Marc Alhadeff ThanksGlobally you still present a unique mixture of interesting information, with the info on the foundation, the instruments, some particular sections like the exhibition, “playmate” and “make a scene” are really original and worth visiting.Marc Alhadeff (Gent, Belgium)

Date:Tue, 4 Jun 2002 19:22:32 +0400
From: Elena Pronina

I have visited your site – it makes great impression!

Sincere, Elena Pronina (Russia)

From: Violin Maker Per S. Ovesen

Outstanding site! I will keep comming back from time to time, thank you.

Per S. Ovesen
Violinmaker, Aarhus (Denmark)

From:Maria Szabo

Thank you very much for the great site, that you
created! It was a real surprise for me for today, and it I love it :-)).

so far…..So great…
Now I am going back to see some of the instruments…

All the best, Maria Szabo (Rumania)

Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2002 15:14:14 +0200
From: Adriana Sarmiento”

Mi nombre es Adriana Sarmiento. Soy venezolana. Nos conocimos en Paris en la reunión del año pasado de la Asociación de Viola da Gamba Francesa, donde presentaste tu asociación en Austria y tocaste con Christophe Coin.Solo queria felicitarte por la iniciativa tan fresca que has tenido de poner los instrumentos al acceso de la gente.

Chao y mucho éxito, Adriana

Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2002 16:47:24 +0000
Connie Krueger

Dear Sir or M’am: I enjoyed your wonderful site.
Thank you for the wonderful work you do. It is a great thing to have these wonderful, old instruments appreciated, played, preserved, and, once again, made to sing.

Myron Darling, USA

Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 10:23:39 -0400
From: Fleming, Edward, GBThanks for your wonderful website – it is a great asset!
I have been looking at Simone Zopf’s photos of bending a viol top. I was wondering – does he bend them using a bending iron, or by using steam and then clamping them to a mold board to achieve the complex shape of the 2 outside staves? Or, is it both?
Ed Fleming USA

Comment: your mail has been forwarded to Ms Simone Zopf. She will answer your questions!


Wed, 1 May 2002 09:42:07 -0700
Dave Rorick We just moved offices and were electronically out of touch. I listened to the CDs last night and I was enthralled. They will be wonderful company for hours at a time.


Sun, 24 Mar 2002 13:10:03 +0100
From: Katrien Vandermeersch

This is a very very beautiful collection! I would like to visit it one day, but in the meanwhile I would like to know if there is any possibility to buy some technical drawings from an instrument? Or is there a list of technical drawings? I’m very intrested in the “violone”, the contabass of the viola da gamba.Gent (Belgium) has a instrumentmaking division at the conservatory, we are planning to make a trip in September this year to Germany, Italy, to visit musea. I would like to suggest to the professor (François Bodart, a belgian viola da gamba maker) to make a stop at your museum. Is there any way to become the practical information like openinghours, possibility to examine some instruments and so on?Thank You very much, Katrien Vandermeersch
A. Van Solmsstraat 19
2300 Turnhout – Belgium

Comments: It is always possible to visit the collection. A phone call or mail will do. Plans for the instruments are not available at present, but many instrument makers have already measured and copied various instruments in the collection. We are looking forward to your visit in the automn!

Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 15:51:51 +0200
From: strijkinstrumenten(a)pagina.nl>
Good luck with the website, it is very good!
Sincerly, Marjolein Wijngaarden

Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 15:55:57 +0100
From: Raf Van den Bossche
Your site is superb !! And it seems that I am not the only one to think
so, looking at the comments from all over the world…Raf and Ria Van den Bossche (Belgium)


Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 09:21:18 -0700
From: Dan Larson I would be honored to have a link on your website. I looked through your pages and it looks like your organization is doing some very interesting and valuable work in the field of early music. If you have some sort of mailing list, I would be pleased to be added to it so I could keep up with your activities. Since I am an instrument and string maker, I would be especially interested in programs related to these activities. Regards,Daniel Larson.

Comments from our former guestbook: 1997 – 1999

Samuel Schick – 06/07/99 10:36:27
My Email:samuel.schick@t-online.de
Hello! Very great collection! I spend a whole hour surfing and downloading pictures. Many greatings from Hirsau (black forest) Samuel Schick

maria – 04/30/99 14:04:14
My Email:suse.r.@t-online.de
I really liked this page.I’m a real early music freak and I’d like to play the gamba.I’d also like to get into contact with other early music fans. so write me.I’m 18 years old. Bye 🙂 🙂

Thor-Harald Johnsen – 03/23/99 20:26:04
My Email:@hotmail.com.elthoro77
Thank You very much.

David Hill – 02/17/99 21:24:50
My Email:david.r.hill@talk21.com
Dear Jose` having spent a small fortune on viewing your site, I am most impressed on the quality of your collection.I look forward to seeing it in the “flesh” when next in Austria! best wishes, David.
(David Hill, from HILL’S AND SONS, is one of the leading experts on violins in the world.)

Robert Monroney – 01/10/99 18:27:41
My Email:bobnlala@uswest.net
I’ve just discovered the site ! I’m looking forward to extensive perusal.

Michael – 01/04/99 00:13:38
I’m an aspiring violinist (13 yrs. old), and I’m doing a science project on the acoustics of the violin. This is an impressive site!

Fabio Lorenzi – 12/01/98 23:35:14
My Email:f.lorenzi@flashnet.it
Now I just had time to look some viols, but I think that I will be often your guest. A very interesting site. See you soon.

Anna Blinkhorn – 11/13/98 18:14:31
Brilliant, educational, inspiring! Thank you: I felt as if I was really looking at all the beautiful instruments on display!

Josef Zechner – 08/19/98 18:21:31
My Email:josef.zechner@aon.at
Für jeden Freund schöner Musikinstrumente ist ein gelegentlicher Besuch dieser website ein Moment der Freude. Beste Wuensche.

michael skehan – 06/13/98 06:55:27
My Email:mcskehan@fan.net.au
Thankyou for the opportunity to see such beautiful yet untouchable historical pieces the colours and textures are so visually satisfying. i would truly love to see more. Living in Australia means never having that opportunity but this is close to the dream. again thankyou.
(But, dear sir, you MAY touch them: a visit to Vienna, perhaps?)

Francisco Luengo – 05/13/98 20:37:30
My Email:ccompostelana@redestb.es
Acabo de visitar vuestra nueva página, y creo que es sensacional, uno de los mejores lugares para visitar en esta (generalmente) insipida www. Verdaderamente se trata de uno de los más interesantes (y completos) museos virtuales.(Francisco Luengo is both a viola da gamba player and an instrument maker in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. He studied viola da gamba at the Vienna Music Academy)

Predrag Gosta – 04/03/98 14:24:34
My Email:pgosta@bigfoot.comComments:

Khazine Franklin – 03/07/98 11:12:46
My Email:ysengrain@compuserve.comComments:
Thank you !Thank you !Thank you !Thank you !Thank you !
(Khazine Franklin is a professional viola da gamba player in Paris, member of the French Viola da gamba Society)

Vicky Vukovich – 02/22/98 09:19:08
My Email:vicky.vukovich@online.atComments:
Deine Homepage ist wirklich phantastisch! Da habe ich doch so manche schoene Bratsche wiedererkannt auf der ich erst vor kurzem spielen durfte…Bis bald: Vicky
(Vicky Vukovich studied at the Vienna University, using some of the instruments of our collection. She now resides in Australia, where she performs baroque viola)

Papadopoulos Sabine – 02/17/98 10:58:24
My Email:papadop5@cuimail.unige.chComments:
Ich finde dieses Website echt cool, ich bin auf der Suche von Geigeliebhaber in Goettingen Deutschland, wenn du eine von denen bist, schreib einfach mal auf meinem E-mail!

Michael O’Loghlin – 01/15/98 07:52:22
My Email:m.ologhlin@mailbox.uq.edu.auComments:
Great work, great pages, congratulations! I am into gamba music of the Berlin School (court of Frederick the Great) at the moment. Anyone else? Messages in German welcome. Cheers, Michael
(Michael O’Loghlin is a viola da gamba player in Australia. He is the firsst double bass player of the Brisbane Symphony Orchestra)

Thomas Fritzsch – 01/05/98 21:05:29
My Email:thomas.fritzsch@t-online.deComments:
Das hat sich gelohnt, in Eure homepage zu schauen! Sehr schön, herzlichen Glückwunsch!! Ich freue mich schon auf das anfassbare Museum. Herzliche Grüsse!(Thomas Fritzsch ist beruflich als Violist da gamba und Barockcellist tätig)

Martha Bishop – 12/22/97 16:54:40
My Email:waltmart@mindspring.comComments:
Very impressiv!
(Martha Bishop is the former president of the American Viola da Gamba Society)

Stefan Nylander – 11/23/97 13:21:01
My Email:stefan.nylander@mbox300.swipnet.seComments:
I am just about to finish a book on construction of musical instruments and is very greatful for all measurements and drawings available. Especially measuresments of the Violones.

David Simpson – 10/31/97 20:40:39
My Email:jeremy.simpson@hol.frComments:
Most interesting visit to your site!
(David Simpson, American residing in Paris, is the solo cellist of Les Arts Florisantes, William Christie)

David Patterson – 10/21/97 19:06:33
My Email:davep@mwci.netComments:
Your site is very interesting. I enjoyed the visit. I own a Johann Ferdinand Leidolff cello dated 1764. Where might I find information on this maker?

Mark Stam – 09/26/97 16:53:15
My URL:http://home.pi.net/~haydn
My Email:haydn@pi.netComments:
I like very much what you are doing for the Baryton. I am a Haydn enthusiast! I saw and listened to you in Eisenstadt, Austria at the Haydn Festival.

updated 16.10.2007

So, you came for a visit…?

Samuel Schick – 06/07/99 10:36:27
My Email:samuel.schick@t-online.de
Hello! Very great collection! I spend a whole hour surfing and downloading pictures. Many greatings from Hirsau (black forest) Samuel Schick

Brigitt da gamba – 06/03/99 19:28:48
Bitte erg nzen: Konzerte. – Ich surfe gerade in der Stadt, i-net zu Hause kommt demnächst… Schöne Grüsse bste

maria – 04/30/99 14:04:14
My Email:suse.r.@t-online.de
I really liked this page.I’m a real early music freak and I’d like to play the gamba.I’d also like to get into contact with other early music fans. so write me.I’m 18 years old. Bye 🙂 🙂

Thor-Harald Johnsen – 03/23/99 20:26:04
My Email:@hotmail.com.elthoro77
Thank You very much.

Carlos Gum‡n – 03/21/99 12:53:27
My Email:urairlos@yahoo.com

Andrew Robinson – 03/13/99 01:28:19
My URL:http://www.imn.ie/pages/dublinviols.html
My Email:akr@tinet.ie
Hello there! Nice site!

David Hill – 02/17/99 21:24:50
My Email:david.r.hill@talk21.com
Dear Jose` having spent a small fortune on viewing your site,I am most impressed on the quality of your collection.I look forward to seeing it in the “flesh” when next in Austria! best wishes,David.

Juliet Tomlinson – 01/20/99 21:55:07
My Email:juliet@anystringgoes.freeserve.co.uk
I was recommended to look at your site by Riki Gerardy. I’ve really enjoyed looking through – many thanks!! Best wishes, Juliet Tomlinson

Robert Monroney – 01/10/99 18:27:41
My Email:bobnlala@uswest.net
I’ve just discovered the site ! I’m looking forward to extensive perusal.

Arthur Lux – 01/09/99 04:00:51
My Email:alux@struers.com
I am told I have a Martin Stoss voilin from 1832, this was explained to me by a gentlemen that said he belonged to a master 99 club. Is there such a club and is a Martin Stoss Voilin from 1832 a valuable posession? I would appreciate your expert advise. E pecially, since I only know the history of the voilin came from my family in Hungary from the Prince Esterhazy collection. I was told this was Gener. De Gezu? I do not know what to believe. Are there experts in this field who could help? Thank you Art Lux

Bernd Festner – 01/05/99 02:08:18
My Email:BFestner@t-online.de

Michael – 01/04/99 00:13:38
I’m an aspiring violinist (13 yrs. old), and I’m doing a science project on the acoustics of the violin. This is an impressive site!

Fabio Lorenzi – 12/01/98 23:35:14
My Email:f.lorenzi@flashnet.it
Now I just had time to look some viols, but I think that I will be often your guest. A very interesting site. See you soon.

Anna Blinkhorn – 11/13/98 18:14:31
Brilliant, educational, inspiring! Thank you: I felt as if I was really looking at all the beautiful instruments on display.

Bogic V. Miodrag – 11/05/98 04:56:29
My Email:tarisio@EUnet.yu

Matthieu Lusson – 10/18/98 22:04:24
My Email:mattluss@imaginet.fr
Bonjour à José de France Nous nos étions vu au Festival de la Chaise-Dieu Bravo pour le site Web

Kim Bui – 10/03/98 04:14:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/3824
My Email:starshimmer@hotmail.com
wow. i like what you’re doing…and i love the decorative scroll on the strigned instrument which starts it all off.

Daniel and Elisabeth Bottoms – 09/22/98 09:00:25
My Email:a9271041@unet.univie.ac.at

Josef Zechner – 08/19/98 18:21:31
My Email:josef.zechner@aon.at
Für jeden Freund schöner Musikinstrumente ist ein gelegentlicher Besuch dieser website ein Moment der Freude. Beste Wuensche.

Joaquim F. G. Pineiro – 08/08/98 00:31:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/vienna/3604/index.html
My Email:joapin@uol.com.br
Caro Jose! Allora noi troviamo a sua pagina del internet e allora potrei usar un altro lingua: wir haeten gerne die cd gehoert, mas nao functionava! mas era muito interessante ,well we hope to meet us again in Vienna sometime, some place…. ( or in Italy…..) greetings, simone e joaquim

michael skehan – 06/13/98 06:55:27
My Email:mcskehan@fan.net.au
Thankyou for the opportunity to see such beautiful yet untouchable historical pieces the colours and textures are so visually satisfying. i would truly love to see more. Living in Australia means never having that opportunity but this is close to the dream. again thankyou.

Francisco Luengo – 05/13/98 20:37:30
My Email:ccompostelana@redestb.es
Acabo de visitar vuestra nueva p‡gina, y creo que es sensacional, uno de los mejores lugares para visitar en esta (generalmente) insipida www. Verdaderamente se trata de uno de los m‡s interesantes (y completos) museos virtuales.

Rattinger Jakob – 04/28/98 07:34:21
My Email:renate.salvenmoser@styria.com
Ich glaube ich hab diese Museumsgeschichte noch nicht richtig verstanden – Kann mir mal jemand mehr erzählen? *

Patrick Robertson – 04/28/98 05:23:59
My Email:pattheirishman@usa.net
Lookin’ good

Raf Van den Bossche – 04/18/98 19:06:37
My Email:rafvdb@pandora.be
Hallo Josä, Just for fun ! Tomorrow Jan will sent a message. Bye.

Predrag Gosta – 04/03/98 14:24:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nj/pgosta
My Email:pgosta@bigfoot.com

Khazine Franklin – 03/07/98 11:12:46
My Email:ysengrain@compuserve.com
Thank you !Thank you !Thank you !Thank you !Thank you !

P.-Alain BEGOU – 03/01/98 10:20:00
My Email:p-alain.begou@wanadoo.fr
Hi José, as you can guess I’m Genevieve’s brother. Nice look for your page, I need just some time to demonstrate to Genevieve how to come here !

Vicky Vukovich – 02/22/98 09:19:08
My Email:vicky.vukovich@online.at
Hallo Jose!!! Deine Homepage ist wirklich phantastisch! Da habe ich doch so manche schoene Bratsche wiedererkannt auf der ich erst vor kurzem spielen durfte…Bis bald: Vicky

Papadopoulos Sabine – 02/17/98 10:58:24
My Email:papadop5@cuimail.unige.ch
Ich finde dieses Website echt cool, ich bin auf der Suche von Geigeliebhaber in Goettingen Deutschland, wenn du eine von denen bist, schreib einfach mal auf meinem E-mail!

Michael Whisman – 02/04/98 03:38:15
My Email:mwhisman@1starnet.com
Greetings from Texas. Ich spreche ein wenig deutch. I play a Johann Gottfried Liebich 1792,Breslau. Any information?

Michael O’Loghlin – 01/15/98 07:52:22
My Email:m.ologhlin@mailbox.uq.edu.au
Great work, great pages, congratulations! I am into gamba music of the Berlin School (court of Frederick the Great) at the moment. Anyone else? Messages in German welcome. Cheers, Michael

Joachim – 01/12/98 23:32:40
My Email:kettjo@bwh.harvard.edu
Nice Webpage much luck for 1998 see you in Vienna mid-1998 again Sincerely Joachim,Elisabeth 7 Alina &?

Nenad Nikolic – 01/11/98 08:15:38
My Email:nnenad@rhc.rhc.ztp.co.yu
Best regards from Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Thomas Fritzsch – 01/05/98 21:05:29
My Email:thomas.fritzsch@t-online.de
Lieber Jose, lieber Marc, das hat sich gelohnt, in Eure homepage zu schauen! Sehr sch&n, herzlichen Glückwunsch!! Ich freue mich schon auf das anfa§bare Museum. Herzliche Grü§e, Euer Thomas

Martha Bishop – 12/22/97 16:54:40
My Email:waltmart@mindspring.com
Very impressive, Jose!

Deborah Forest Hart – 12/12/97 17:20:10
My Email:dfhart@worldnet.att.net

Erika Belmonte – 12/05/97 18:03:45
My Email:ebelmonte@hotmail.com

Josef Zechner – 11/24/97 17:31:57
Very intersting task

Stefan Nylander – 11/23/97 13:21:01
My Email:stefan.nylander@mbox300.swipnet.se
I am just about to finish a book on construction of musical instruments and is very greatful for all measurements and drawings available. Especially measuresments of the Violones.

Mark Wilkes – 11/05/97 18:26:46
My Email:wilkes@music.qub.ac.ie

David Simpson – 10/31/97 20:40:39
My Email:jeremy.simpson@hol.fr
Most interesting visit to your site!

Jessica Gardner – 10/28/97 23:36:21
My Email:x94gardner4@wmich.edu

David Patterson – 10/21/97 19:06:33
My Email:davep@mwci.net
Your site is very interesting. I enjoyed the visit. I own a Johann Ferdinand Leidolff cello dated 1764. Where might I find information on this maker?

daralynn – 10/20/97 17:49:50
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com/
My Email:daralyn54@hotmail.com
great site keep up the good work!!

Skip Scott – 09/30/97 01:45:54
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Red_Eagle/index.html
My Email:eagleclan@n-connect.net

Mark Stam – 09/26/97 16:53:15
My URL:http://home.pi.net/~haydn
My Email:haydn@pi.net
I like very much what you are doing for the Baryton. I am a Haydn enthusiast! I saw and listened to you in Eisenstadt, Austria at the Haydnfestival.

Alexandra No‘l – 09/17/97 16:26:50
My Email:mailto:alexandra.noel@metronet.de
Ein hervorragendes Projekt, finde ich, aber das wi§t Ihr ja! Gru§ und Ku§ aus Köln, A.

Sarah Hart – 09/14/97 18:46:27
My Email:wood123@usa.net
This is a great web-page, but I just wish there were more on cello’s. I enjoyed very much….thank you

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