Audiovisuals of the Orpheon Foundation

This page is designed to give you easy access to some fascinating documents on the collection: films, videos, slide shows. Most of these pages contain musical examples, drawn directly from concerts, not commercially available.


Photo Gallery of Instruments

Video from the Exhibitions in

Special Video Programmes shown during exhibitions

Se also the documents on the France-Orpheon web site

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Videos & Recordings
youtube-logo-full_color Carl Friedrich Abel – Sonata in d-minor: 1. Allegro – 2. Adagio – 3. Tempo di Minueto
William Lawes – Fantasia in F-major for 6 violas da gamba and organ
Marin Marais – Les Folies d’Espagne
Marin Marais – L’Operation de la Taille (The Operation of the Urinary Bladder)
Johann Schenck – Sonata in a-minor from L’Echo du Danube
Joseph Bodin de Boismortier – Sonata in g-minor: gayment
Heinrich Biber – Sonata in F-major from Fidicinium sacro-profano
for two violins, three violas da gamba and bc.
Samuel Scheidt – Pavan in C-major
on original German violas da gamba of the 17th-18th C.
Joseph Haydn – Divertimento 114 in D-major for baryton, viola & violoncello

Marin Marais – Suite in D-major for three bass violas da gamba & harpsichord
William Lawes – Fantasia in F-major for 6 violas da gamba and organ
Marin Marais – Suite in d-minor for two bass violas da gamba & harpsichord
Johann Schenck – Sonata in g-minor from Le Nymphe di Reno
Christopher Simpson – Suite in D-major for two treble and one bass viol with bc.
performed on three viols by William Turner, London, ca. 1650

François Couperin – Sonata “La Sultane”

Marin Marais – Suite in G-major for 3 bass violas da gamba & harpsichord: Caprice
1. Basauri Exhibition 2. Course in Ibiza – 2011 3. Course in Duino – 2011
Marin Marais – Suite in D-major for 3 bass violas da gamba & harpsichord: Sarabande
1. Course in Duino – 2010 2. Viola da gamba by Joachim Tielke, Hamburg, 1697
Carl Ph. Emanuel Bach – Sonata in D-major: Adagio ma non tanto
Mathew Locke – Suite for two treble and one bass viol with bc.
performed on three viols by William Turner, London, ca. 1650
Josquin Des Prez – In te Domine speravi on original Italian violas da gamba from the 16th-17th C.
Giovanni Legrenzi – Sonata a quattro in c-minor from La Cetra for 4 violas da gamba and bc.
Dietrich Buxtehude – Laudate pueri
on 6 original German violas da gamba of the 17th-18th C.
Joseph Haydn – Divertimento 67 in D-major for baryton, viola & violoncello
Joseph Haydn – Divertimento 28 in D-major for baryton, viola & violoncello
Diego Ortiz –Recercada Quinta Pars